XPerks Vesting


Prerequisite. Proceed to Complete the Data Sanitisation procedure.

If you have in mind to Purchase a Node NFT, be sure that you are Opting into the correct XPerk Tier.

Step 1. Access the XPerks Website

Step 2. Choose Contribution Source

  • Select Contribution Source from the Select Source dropdown

Step 3. Select Staking Tier and Amount

  • After selecting the source, choose your Staking tier and the amount you wish to stake

Note: Vesting is mandatory for Private, Seed and Termsheet investors.

Step 4. Sign Transaction

  • Click Vest and sign transaction in the XWallet

Step 5. Background Processing

  • After Vesting, the vest button is disabled to complete the background process and information is displayed in the Assist Desk to the left bottom

Step 6. XPerks Stake Portfolio

  • After a Successful Vesting, the vesting timeline and details will appear under Xperks Stake Portfolio.

Congratulations! You just joined the XPerks Club!

But the fun does not stop here. Get a Node NFT and amplify your rewards Today.

Last updated

Change request #65: