Checking your transactions

Upon accessing the transaction overview, you will find detailed information regarding your liquidity, Bonus L1X coins, XBPT tokens, and joined pools.

  1. Bonus L1X Coins:

    1. Total bonus L1X coins accumulated to date and the amount of L1X coins you will receive in the next 24 hours.

  2. XBPT Tokens:

    1. Total amount of XBPT tokens accumulated to date.

  3. My Liquidity:

    1. Displays the accumulated Liquidity accross all Pools you have joined.

  4. Pool composition:

    1. Check the deposited amount on this pool and the amount of L1X Coins that you will receive in the next 24 hours from this Pool.

  5. APR (Annual Percentage Rate):

    1. View the APR earned from this pool

  6. BPT Received:

    1. See the XBPT tokens received for joining this pool.

  7. Joined Pools History:

    1. Detailed history of all transactions made, including:

      • Pool details

      • L1X bonus

      • Your liquidity

      • XBPT received

      • Date and time of the transaction

    2. You can copy the transaction by selecting the 'copy' icon.

  8. Accessing Xplorer:

    1. Navigate to the Xplorer by selecting the icon on the dock.

    2. In the left dropdown menu, select 'Balancer' to view all realized transactions.

  9. Searching for Specific Transactions:

    1. If you wish to search for a specific transaction, paste the transaction hash copied in step 7.2 into the search bar.

By following these steps, you can access detailed transaction information, track your liquidity and bonus rewards, and search for specific transactions using the Xplorer tool within the L1X App.

You can Now View and Send your BPT Tokens on the XWallet.

Last updated

Change request #65: