PoX Phase FAQs

A list of FAQs for the PoX Phase are outlined below

General Questions:

Q: What are the benefits of the PoX Phase?

A: The POX Phase has been introduced as feedback from exchanges, strategic partners, market-making partners, and advisors has recommended more traction with on-chain transactions on the protocol. To align with the objective of a healthy TGE; as requested by the community, the number of nodes has been increased along with allowing for a certain number of gasless transactions on the network, the Tokenomics have also been aligned to support all of these objectives. These measures are designed to help preserve the short and long-term success of the protocol.

Q: How does the PoX phase compare to the previous strategy?

A: From Community and Strategic partner feedback; it is suggested that more nodes, transactions, and token activity events are needed. This has prompted to rollout of the PoX phase that aligns to target these key areas.

Q: How long will the PoX Phase be?

A: The health of the protocol is of utmost importance, hence the decision to implement the POX phase based on the key takeways from community and strategic partner feedback. Will we continue to listen to community and strategic partner feedback to analyse whether the POX phase has achieved its goals regarding on-chain transactions and community adoption.

Q: How will you keep the community updated?

A: Expect regular updates through the L1X Wiki ensuring transparency and keeping you well-informed about progress and developments.

PoX Phase Questions:

Q: How will the PoX Phase boost usage?

A: We're introducing exciting initiatives.

· Creation of Development Environment.

· Creation of a Testnet Environment for developers and projects

· An adjusted Airdrop,

· Project onboarding opportunities to scale the growth of on-chain transactions.

Q: How does the PoX Phase support the ecosystem?

A: The Testnet attracts developers and fosters project growth by providing a safe testing environment. We've already received interest in L1X from a large number of projects, and the Testnet helps them prepare for launching on the L1X Protocol. Likewise, this includes introducing the self-onboarding platform.

Q: When will the Testnet launch?

A: Mark your calendars for February 2024! More details about the Testnet and updated Airdrop will be released soon. Q: What will developers and users be able to do and access during the PoX Phase?

A: See below:

Developer L1X Gitbook (Wiki and Development Environment):

The Developer documentation has been alogned with existing and audited contracts which include contemporary and X-Talk cross chain contracts that will allow the developers to seamlessly build by cloning the contracts or building custom contracts.

Multi-Node Architecture:

Introduction of Multiple different types of node categories and introducing multiple number of nodes in the types to accommodate the increasing number of network activity.

L1X Wallet Library:

The L1X Wallet Library has been updated to accommodate L1X VM and L1X EVM based web integrations making it a more seamless developer experience to build on the protocol.

Consensus, L1X VM and L1X EVM Binary Release:

Binaries to allow developers to build on their local system, dev environment or Mainnet. The developers will be able to install these binaries on their system and get started with the development.

Open-Source Contracts to allow seamless development of X-Talk:

Open-sourcing of contemporary and X-Talk contracts for the developers that can be cloned or built from scratch allowing for a seamless and faster developer build process.

Developer GitHub Issues and Correspondence to increase Developer Activity and Communications:

Developers will be able to invite L1X Core developers into their GitHub Issues where the team at L1X will be able to comment and assist on issues directly.

Update for Localnet, Devnet, and Mainnet to provide a seamless developer environment for projects and developers:

Developers and Projects will be able to host their projects on the local system, and developer test network and then deploy them on Mainnet.

Q: What are the key tokenomic updates?

A: For full details, please visit here

Q: When will the details of the updated Airdrop campaign be released?

A: Details of the upcoming Airdrop campaign will be released shortly

Q: Will those who have already been participating in the current Airdrop campaign be recognised for their previous activity?

A: Absolutely! We value your early contributions.

Q: What must investors who already opted in or out of the current XPerks program do?

A: Instructions for this process will be issued before TGE

Last updated

Change request #65: