Use Case: Advertise BSC NFT Sale in OpenSea Ethereum Marketplace

Generally, a seller having an NFT on a blockchain, usually prefers to advertise selling the NFT in a marketplace on the same blockchain. This limits the advertisements' visibility to a larger audience of potential buyers. To provide greater liquidity and a larger user base, a seller may wish to advertise the NFT sale in another marketplace on the Ethereum blockchain. For this purpose, cross- chain bridges are utilized. But these cross-chain bridges may not be completely decentralized or safe.

X-TALK allows any user on an EVM-compatible blockchain to publish an advertisement for an NFT sale in the OpenSea marketplace on the Ethereum blockchain network in a completely decentralized way. This section describes the X-TALK workflow for this scenario.

Scenario: The seller has an NFT on the Binance Smart Chain.

Aim: To advertise NFT on OpenSea Ethereum Marketplace

Last updated

Change request #65: