Infrastructure Essentials

X-Talk: the Key to Multichain Connectivity

X-Talk, a subset of L1X’s Virtual machine, is a decentralized architecture that empowers the secure exchange of smart contracts and assets across multiple chains. Unlike traditional bridge solutions, X-Talk modifies the payload based on third-party conditions, ensuring compatibility with the destination chain. It offers a safe and efficient method for executing EVM and Non-EVM cross-chain transactions, without the need for intermediaries of third-party custodians.

X-Talk technology is highly adaptive, allowing Layer One X to connect to any public, private and hybrid chain.

To realise this, X-Talk harnesses the L1X Protocol, a comprehensive protocol suite that includes:

  • L1X Virtual Machine (VM): Executes the X-Flow contracts.

  • Networking: Ensures efficient communication within the ecosystem.

  • Consensus: Ensures all nodes reach agreement on the data's validity.

  • State Layer: Maintains and manages the state of contracts.

Digital Identity: What Bitcoin did for money is what L1X is doing for Data.

L1X has created the opportunity for you to own your own data and control access to it. L1X allows you to pull in and store your personal data into an encrypted blockchain environment, then allows you full control over who you allow access to and which parts. Once you have control of your data, you can allow access, revoke access from someone you have previously shared it with, and allow others to verify data but not reveal that data to them. For example, if someone or some entity wants to check you are over 18 you could verify that without revealing your date of birth.

This technology is truly groundbreaking and will reshape the way data is accessed, secured and shared within the world.

Let's break down the key Smart Contracts that make the L1X Digital ID and Data Control Technology possible:

  1. Access Control: It allows to grant, alter, or revoke access to your information, much like managing permissions in a digital environment. This ensures that only authorized parties can access your data.

  2. Version Control: L1X allows you to share different versions of your personal information, catering to varying requirements. For instance, you might share basic information with one entity and more detailed data with another. This flexibility ensures you only share what's necessary and maintain greater control over your personal information.

  3. Data Contract: It enables to securely storage files on the L1X protocol's database nodes. Each file is assigned a unique ID, making it easier to manage and reference your stored data. It's akin to having a secure, personal digital locker for your files.

  4. Retention Contract: This innovative aspect allows others to verify specific details of your information without accessing the entire content. For example, it can confirm your age without revealing your exact date of birth, enhancing privacy while still providing necessary verification.

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