L1X Coins

Layer-One coins (L1X), are required in the following cases:

  • Resources: To conduct a transaction on the network or to be able to execute scripts on the network. Resources on the network are the primary driver and L1X coins are required.

  • Exchange: L1X coins provide a medium of exchange amongst its participants on the network, which can be used to transact on the network.

  • Liquidity for secondary coins: To gain liquidity on the platform, L1X coins will provide access to decentralized pools that will allow for coin exchange. They will also be able to act as collateral for secondary tokens.

  • Rules and governance participation: For the ongoing rules and governance changes, it is important for the network to be able to sustain changes and updates. To validate updates, L1X coins will allow users to participate in governance and rule updates.

Last updated

Change request #65: