Top-up with L1X Coins

What should I do if I do not have enough L1X Coins?

In the case, you do not have enough L1X Cois to get the desired Node or you want to purchase another one, you have a Top-Up option.

  1. Connect your Metamask Wallet

  2. Purchase L1X Coins

  • Purchase the required amount of Coins for you to unlock the first or the additional Node(s).

  1. Review the L1X Wallet address

  • Be sure that the L1X Node Owner address is your L1X Wallet Address, where you have your original Coins.

  1. Receive the L1X Coins

  • The Coins will be sent to that XWallet.

  1. Access the XPerks Page

  • Once you get your Coins, you need to come back to the XPerks Club process again and select the Same Tier.

  1. Come back to the L1X Node Tab.

  • The New balance will be displayed (the original + the ones that you just purchased)

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