L1X Transaction Lifecycle

  1. User digitally signs the transaction using ECDSA and submits the transaction to the L1X network.

  2. The full node in the L1X network verifies the authenticity of the transaction and the authenticated transaction is added to the MemPool.

  3. The full node queries validator nodes i.e., mobile devices to get cluster information.

  4. The validator node sends the details of similar clusters and the full nodes in the cluster.

  5. Now, the full node broadcasts the transaction to the cluster nodes.

  6. All the cluster nodes perform logical validation for the transaction.

  7. At this stage, the Block Proposer is randomly selected by the PoX consensus mechanism.

  8. The Block Proposer creates a block containing multiple validated transactions and applies Zero Knowledge Proof on the block.

  9. The Block Proposer broadcasts the block to the connected nodes in similar clusters.

  10. The full nodes in the network perform block validation and send it to peers.

  11. The user is intimated about the successful transaction completion.

Last updated

Change request #65: