Data Sanitisation


In this process of Data Sanitisation, we will double-check the accurate allotment to your XWallet, in terms of whether you are a Private, Public or Term Sheet and Seed Investor (or all three)

Note: Before connecting your XWallet, be sure you have the latest version of the XWallet (Version 1.0.12) downloaded, as it is required for vesting.

Once you get the version and import the XWallet to the latest version, proceed to connect your XWallet.

Step 1. Connect Wallet V1.0.12

  • After connecting your XWallet, a notification will appear within your XWallet extension or browser.

  • Follow the prompts to sign the notification. This action grants permission for the L1X App to access your XWallet wallet securely.

Step 2. Visit the XPerks Page

Step 3. Verify Allotment.

  • Confirm Your allocations are correct per your contributions and click Complete Sanitisation

Step 4. Accept the message

  • Proceed to Complete the sanitisation by checking the acknowledgement message

Step 5. Completion of Sanitisation Process

  • After completing the Sanitisation process user will be redirected to the XPerks tab to complete vesting and will be able to see their complete L1X balance.

Query Inaccuracies

  • The current Balance is the one that you want to look at it first.

    • If you believe the displayed balance is inaccurate, utilize the Assist Button located at the bottom right of the widget.

      • We urge you to Add as much evidence as possible for your query if you believe that your actual balance is different from what is displayed.

      • Ex: if you have done a Bank transfer, add the bank transfer details

        Ex: token transfer: add the explorer links

Note that the team will be prioritising the queries with more evidence since those will be the quickest to resolve.

Confirm or Dispute

  • If you agree with the displayed balance's accuracy, tick the checkbox. If not, proceed with providing evidence.

Now proceed to XPerks Vesting

Last updated

Change request #65: