X-Talk Architecture

X-TALK is the cross-chain communication architecture provided by L1X for the secure exchange of smart contracts. It has a decentralized architecture and has a blockchain-agnostic framework enabling seamless asset and logic exchange across chains. X-TALK ensures communication throughout the process of interacting with multiple chains.

Execution Manager

The Execution Manager provides a layer of abstraction between the underlying cross-chains for seamless interaction among them. It deals with the identification, classification, verification, and execution strategy for the received event. It endows the blockchain-agnostic behavior of L1.X-TALK. Below listed are the major functions of the Execution Manager.

  • Identify the transaction type.

  • Listen to the incoming events from the Rule Engine.

  • Verify the received event.

  • Perform logical validation for the received event.

  • Create a structure for the responsive action.

  • Connect with other components such as Execution Register and smart contracts.

Rule Engine

The Rule Engine is the core component of X-TALK architecture, being responsible for processing and executing the rules that initiate and verify the communication cross-chain. It receives events coming from the Event Manager and triggers appropriate action based on predefined rules. It provides an empty struct to Execution Manager with different functions and rules such as Mint, Transfer or Collect Fees and its relevant variable/function parameter details.

Event Manager

The Event Manager listens to events from smart contracts or other functions that have the feature of emitting events. It monitors the events from these sources, validates them, and conveys the events to the Rule Engine, ensuring data integrity throughout the process.

Rule Processor

The Rule Processor filters the event details received from the Event Manager and sends only relevant information to the Rule Database. The Rule Processor acts as an interface between the Event Manager and the Rule Database to get a response with the associated function call.

Rule Database

This component contains the execution rules and instructions to create appropriate events/transactions for the target blockchain in response to the request received from the relevant blockchain. It is responsible for mapping the events received from the relevant blockchain to the appropriate transactions that need to be executed on the target blockchain.

Execution Register

The Execution Register is responsible for maintaining the state and integrity of the blockchain. It updates the state with the transaction level information as and when received from the Execution Manager. It keeps track and maintains a complete record of all the executed transactions by the system. The Execution Register is a crucial component in ensuring the security and integrity of the X-TALK system, as it provides a complete and tamper-proof record of all transactions.

DAG Manager

The Execution register employs a Directed Acyclic Graph to orchestrate the transaction execution tasks, to ensure appropriate execution order while avoiding conflicts (if any).

L1X MultiSig Smart Contract

L1X MultiSig Smart Contract is deployed on both, the source and destination blockchains. Its job is to act as a secure and trusted component between the user and the L1X platform for NFT transactions. It enables seamless interaction and validation across multiple chains, facilitating cross-chain transactions with ease. It allows the user to give complete authority to the L1X blockchain to carry cross-chain tokens and asset exchange. It adds an extra layer of security by requiring multiple signatures from authorized participants, mitigating the risk of unauthorized or fraudulent activities.

Last updated

Change request #65: