How to import wallet using mnemonic?

  • fromMnemonic

This function is used extract the details of account using a secret phrase.

import { ethers } from "ethers";

const standardPath = "m/44'/60'/0'/0";
const activeIndex = 1;

const path = `${standardPath}/${activeIndex}`;

const hdNode = ethers.HDNodeWallet.fromPhrase("YOUR_PHRASE");

const wallet = ethers.HDNodeWallet.fromMnemonic(hdNode.mnemonic, path)


The phrase needs to be passed in order to get the details.



A promise that resolves when trying to extract the data from mnemonic.

  provider: null,
  address: 'YOUR_ADDRESS',
  publicKey: 'YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY',
  fingerprint: '0xe7b9604b',
  parentFingerprint: '0xed91e544',
  mnemonic: Mnemonic {
    phrase: 'YOUR_MNEMONIC',
    password: '',
    wordlist: LangEn { locale: 'en' },
    entropy: '0x7c61f4b9031c6586b8cc74745487166b'
  chainCode: '0x61a139b8bb1158f6d480178f227951377f389f',  
  path: "m/44'/60'/0'/0/1",
  index: 1,
  depth: 5

Last updated