
Before diving into the CLI, ensure Rust, Node JS and NVM are installed on your system.

You can execute the following commands in your terminal to check if Rust and Node JS are installed on your system.

For Rust:

rustc --version

If Rust is installed, this command will output the version of Rust installed on your system. If Rust is not installed, you will likely see an error message stating that the command rustc is not found.

For Node.js:

node --version

If Node.js is installed, this command will output the version of Node.js installed on your system. If Node.js is not installed, you will likely see an error message stating that the command node is not found.

If Rust, Node JS, NVM are not installed on your system, goto Rust, Node JS and NVM.

Also, Ensure that Node.js version 18 is installed on your system.

nvm install v18
nvm use v18

Last updated