Architecture Overview
Purpose of the Direct Swap API
The Direct Swap API enables seamless token swaps across supported blockchain networks.
It is designed for developers to integrate secure and efficient cross-chain swaps into their decentralized applications (dApps).
Key Components
Access Management:
Access tokens are used to authenticate API requests.
Tokens are managed via endpoints to request, check, update, and delete them.
Quote Management:
Swap quotes are generated using source and destination chain information, along with the swap amount and optional affiliate parameters.
Swap Execution:
Using the Quote ID, users can initiate swaps, which involve transferring tokens between chains.
The API ensures secure handling of deposits and withdrawals.
Transaction Tracking:
The Direct X-Talk Status endpoint allows users to monitor the status of swaps in real time, ensuring transparency and traceability.
High-Level Process Flow
Step 1: Authenticate using an access token.
Step 2: Generate a quote with the desired parameters.
Step 3: Execute the swap using the quote details.
Step 4: Monitor the transaction status via the Direct X-Talk Status API.
Supported Features
Multi-chain token swaps across supported networks.
Affiliate commissions for partners, if applicable.
Secure and real-time swap tracking.
System Interaction
The Direct Swap API interacts with:
Source Blockchain: To initiate the token transfer.
Destination Blockchain: To complete the token swap.
L1X Infrastructure: To validate transactions, generate quotes, and track statuses.
Supported Networks
L1XSwap enables seamless cross-chain swaps across the following networks:
Binance Smart Chain (BSC)
Last updated